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Support Australian Country Music Artists

G’day! :)



It has been sweltering days of close to 40 degrees up here in Dimbulah and I must admit I’m missing the winter weather immensely. Even after living in Tropical North Queensland for all of my life I’ve never gotten used to the heat. Fingers crossed that we get some decent rain soon so it greens up our dehydrated countryside. We have only had a few inches since April!



I really wanted to touch base today on a subject very close to my heart, Country Music. Australian Country Music to be exact! We have so many talented artists in this wonderful country of ours and I would like to mention a few of them so you can check them out for yourselves, that is,  if you haven’t already.



So here goes, in Alphabetical order….


Adam Tom, Adam Brand, Adam Harvey, Brad Cole, Connie Kis Andersen,

Gina Jefferies

, Jasmine Rae, Jason Lee, John Williamson, Katrina Burgoyne, Kasey Chambers, Keith Urban,  Larry Cann, Lee Kernaghan,

Melinda Schneider

, Rob Wilson, Sara Storer,

Shea Fisher

, Slim Dusty, Shandell Tosoni, Steve Eales,

Steve Forde

, The Sunny Cowgirls, Tania Kernaghan,

Troy Cassar-Daley


The McClymonts




I don’t think I have forgotten anyone but if I have please let me know. I would also love to know your favourite Aussie Country Music artist, or artists. Please feel free to leave a comment below telling me who you think is the best and why. Lets join together to promote our fellow Australians!



Thought for this week

“A house without books is like a room without windows”



I am off to Bali in a few days time for a much needed holiday. Only 2 sleeps top go…but who is counting…ME!

I cannot wait to be immersed in their culture, swim all day long and eat copious amounts of yummy food. I will be back to chat with you all in about 3 weeks time. And to share my holidays shots of course!



Until then, keep smiling and dreaming

Mandy :)


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