“It's my dream that through my writing I'm able to give readers a taste of the beautiful Australian countryside, from the dust on your face, the smell of horses and cattle, unforgettable Aussie characters, and to the country sun on your skin, all the while evoking plenty of emotions."
I live in the picturesque FNQ township of Cairns with my hubby, Des, our beautiful daughter, Chloe Rose, our adorable pooches - toy poodle, Sophie, and border collie, Sherlock, and our crazy cockatiel, Charlie. Being a lover of both the country and the the coastal lifestyle, living here gives me the best of both worlds!
I decided to put pen to paper about 16 years ago, writing about the many memorable adventures I've experienced on the land, from being a station cook, helping behind the chutes at rodeos, to being a fruit farmer. Little did I know this would be the beginning of a very exciting writing career!
Like the saying goes, I'm as busy as a blue arse fly at a barbeque, but I love it! I'm obsessed and passionate about writing - it's something I hope to do for the rest of my life.
Keep smiling and dreaming, always
Mandy xx :)