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Steve Eales, Country Music Artist



Today I have the very talented country music singer,

Steve Eales

, joining me for a candid chat. I 'm really excited to have him here! So here we go...

Hi Steve, and welcome...

What inspired you to become a country music artist?

Mum and Dad were big country music fans when I was growing up so I guess I owe them a lot for that early influence. But just around the time I was getting really serious about recording my own songs I was living in a rural town in Victoria and I spent most of my time either riding horses or motorbikes in the bush. I was driving a timber truck and doing rural fencing, I guess country was what I was all about... and still is. 


Can you tell us a bit about

your most recently released album, or song?

Last year I wrote a song called "love it when it rocks", I'd met the vivacious Chris E Thomas earlier that year and she'd asked about doing a song with me so I included her in on the writing process and we recorded it together... a brilliant move because the song really took off on radio. I've just released a brand new song " The Long Way Here". It's a bit of a diversion from my typical country theme, it's a bit more autobiographical.

What are you working on now?

Right now I'm working on a new track, in fact it's almost ready to record. This time I've flicked the switch back again, back to the same recipe of songwriting that gave me so many award winning songs... With every song I write I try to make it the best song I've ever written. I want to pour out my heart and really connect with people.

Have you got a favourite song that you sing? If yes, what it is?

I get the most crowd reaction out of "Girls on Horses" so that would have to be my favorite song to perform, it's all about how you can make people "feel" your music and that one moves people the most.

Swag or room service for aromantic date?

I love swagging under a billion stars and campfire light to sleep by don't get me wrong but for a romantic night I'm a real spoiler. I treat my girl to five stars and candle light, I'm not a dancer either but I can twirl her around a dance floor. Romance is all about beinga giver, a spoiler.

Holden, Ford...or something else?

I've had some pretty dodgy Holdens and Fords, I think I've had about seven utes all up and I enjoyed them all. Probably liked my F100 the most out of all of them, it caught on fire one day after work. I worked on it all night and I was driving again the next day.

Favourite Food?

I could eat barbecue steak and salad for dinner every it.

Favourite Movie?

I enjoy movies that you can laugh about for days and months afterwards so I think Anchor Man would top that list.

Favourite Aussie saying?

All the really good Aussie sayings aren't printable... But because I do a lot of overseas traveling I always give the classic a good workout... "G'day Mate!" Much to the delight of Americans and Europeans, oh yeah and especially the Asians.

If you could have a kangaroo, koala, wombat, crocodile, galah or python as a pet which one would you choose, and why?

I've had a Galah as a pet once before... I was pretty sad when he died. We just had a koala at home because he was injured, they say that if a koala is hurt he makes his way to within arms reach of a human and that's exactly what this little guy did. So right now I reckon a koala is on top of my list.




Who would you like to trade places with for a day, alive or dead, and why?

I would like to be Steve Irwin for a day and experience his bold enthusiasm and passion for life. More specifically I'd like to be him the day before he passed away and convincemyself not to go swimming for a few days. I miss that bloke.

If I looked in your fridge right now what would I find?

In my fridge you'd find a bunch of girlie food right now. I'm doing a detox so it's full of yoghurt, fruit and salad. I'm getting ready for summer and the next photoshoot...sad huh? 



Craziest thing you’ve ever done?

On the way back from Tamworth in our tour bus one year our driver got lost down some dirt road and he wouldn't stop for a toilet break. We were relaxing in the back after 10 straight days of playing (there was a tiny bit of alcohol involved in the relaxing part). So after a while I was about to burst. I climbed out of the bus and surfed on the roof at 60ks an hour and let rip, the band was hanging out the window yelling to get back in but our trusty driver kept on going, and so did I.

If you were going on holiday tomorrow, where would it be?

I just got back from a fantastic holiday in Hawaii and man I really wish I was back there right now.


Four words that describe you, Steve...

Positive, creative, inspiring, caring... (I had to get help with this answer)


 If you'd like to find out more about Steve Eales, pop by his webite or facebook page...


Thanks for the chat today, Steve. I really enjoyed hearing all about your life as a country music artist. Good luck with everything!


Next week we have Amber Lawrence joining us, so stay tuned. :-)


Until then, keep smiling and dreaming!

Mandy xx

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