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Loretta Hill


Hope you all had a fabulous christmas day filled with love and laughter. I had a wonderful day, shared with my precious family. It is so nice to celebrate Christmas, the running around like a headless chook for the weeks leading up to the day well worth the effort. 

Today we have the vibrant 

will be released on January 2nd. I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy. It's just the type of Aussie story that I love to read! 

Welcome Loretta! I am so thrilled to have you here to chat with me today.

Where were you born, raised, schooled and what was the most mischievous thing you did when you were a child?

    I was born, raised and schooled in Perth, Western Australia. The most mischievous thing I did as a child...hmmm... my sisters and I used to climb onto the roof of our home and from there jump onto the family trampoline situated below. I seriously don’t know how I didn’t break my neck. I do remember our parents forbidding us to do this. So we used to have to tip toe across the roof so they wouldn’t hear us. It was awesome fun! A bit like bungee jumping without the rope :))



I have been writing stories practically since forever, but I think I only applied myself seriously with the intent to get published in the last ten years. It has been a tough but rewarding road. The feeling upon being awarded my first full novel contract was euphoric. I didn’t come off the high for weeks.

What time of the day/night do you prefer to write and where do you like to write?

 At the moment, I write whenever I can. With three children under four it’s hard to make a set schedule or time. I just fit it in around them. My laptop usually stays on all day that way I can jot down a thought whenever I have a spare moment. 

Can you tell us a little bit about your upcoming book? And what date it will be released?

 The story is about a young woman called Lena. She’s a real city girlie girl whose world is turned upside down when her boss sends her to the Australian outback to join a construction team consisting of 350 men and only five women. She needs to live in a dongar (an Aluminium room for one) near a huge iron ore wharf. (See photo of Jetty) It’s a huge adjustment for her but she needs this opportunity to mend mistakes of the past.   This story deals with a lot of big issues. Sexual harassment, broken families, falling in love, loneliness and personal growth. But with a fun character like Lena, I’ve tried to focus on the lighter side of being in a situation like this. There’s a lot of comedy with a real Aussie flavour and of course, romance... mustn’t forget that!  “The Girl in Steel-Capped Boots” will be released January 2, 2012. 

Where do you find inspiration for your stories? 

 I’m not sure... just life -my own experiences and those other people are willing to share with me. Sometimes, a particular conversation or news story might jolt me and I’ll be moved to research more into that particular topic.

What is your favourite meal? 

 My mother’s Burmese Laksa. 

Who is your favourite Australian?

 That’s a tough question. There are so many people out there with brilliant achievements in all different fields. It’s hard to pick a favourite. 

What is your favourite Aussie saying?

“She’ll be right.” It’s generally true. 

Where would be your ideal place to holiday?

 I love a good adventure but at the moment I’ve been so busy I’d like the chance to slow down. A tropical island with a library full of books would be just perfect.  

Thank you for inviting us into your world, Loretta. I am really looking forward to reading your debut novel. Only another week to go and you will see Girl in the Steel-Capped Boots on the exciting!

You can visit Loretta at her website.

Next week we have another new lady on the rural block, Jenny Scoullar. She is a fellow Penguin author. Look forward to having a chat with her and hearing all about her upcoming 2012 release, Brumby's Run. We are so blessed to have so many amazing women out there writing rural favourite! 

Thought for this week

" Never get too busy making a living and forget to make a life."

Have a fantastic New Years!

Until next week keep dreaming and smiling.


Mandy :)

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