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Jaye Ford, Awesome Aussie Author





I hope life is floating along nicely for you. Can you believe it is February already! Where does the time go?


I have received the first pages of my next novel, Jacaranda, so not long now and it will go to print. So exciting!


This week our AwesomeAussie Author is the fabulous Jaye Ford. 

I found myself gripped tight within the pages of her last book Beyond Fearand I’m eagerly awaiting her soon to be released Scared yet? For those of you that love chilling suspense novels that will keep you up until all hours  of the night Jaye Ford delivers with an almighty punch.




Welcome, Jaye, it is great having you here with us today.




Where were you born,raised, schooled and what was the most mischievous thing you did when you were a child?


I was born in Sydney and grew up on the northern beaches, spending most of my teenage years at the surf around Manly and catching the ferry across Sydney Harbour into the city. I went to one of the last remaining public girls’ schools in Sydney then left the coast for college in Bathurst, in the NSW Central West and met people who’d never been to a beach! As a kid, I had a reputation at home for jumping out of unexpected places and hollering ‘blaaarhg!!’ My son has given me heart attacks doing the same thing and my sister reckons its payback.




How long did it take you to get published and how did you feel when you were told you had a contract?


I’ve been making up stories all of my life and made my first attempts at writing a book in my twenties. I was looking at forty when I decided if I didn’t get serious about it, I’d be on my death bed still wishing I’d had a go. It took ten years to finally get published – and it felt fantastic! Actually, it was the most satisfying moment of my life, confirmation that hard work could make dreams come true.




What time of the day/night do you prefer to write and where do you like to write?


I ran a business from home for a few years and got into the good habit of working in office hours. Before I was published, I wrote from a desk in the corner of our family room that was only big enough for my laptop and a cup of coffee! One of the first things I did after being paid as a writer was to knock a wall out under our house and build an office. It’s cold in winter and I have to have a light on during the day but I love my writing space.




Can you tell us a little bit about your upcoming book?  And what date it will be released?


Ever had that eerie feeling you’re being watched? In Scared Yet?, Livia Prescott knows she is and has the creepy notes to prove it. They start arriving after she is assaulted in a car park but when the stalking becomes more menacing and thepolice widen their search for her attacker, Liv is left wondering if there’s anyone in her life she can trust. ScaredYet?  is released on March 1, 2012.




Where do you find inspiration for your stories?


Everywhere. Anywhere. Like most writers I know, my storytelling antenna is always up! Sometimes it’s a throw away line from someone or something I read or a sudden ‘what if’ moment. And of course, a book isn’t just one idea, it’s lots and lots of ideas strung together – the set-up, the backstory, the dialogue, the friends. And for me, the crime, how it plays out and how ordinary people might deal with it. I tend to store ideas in my head like a library and pull them out when I need them. In my first book, Beyond Fear, the backstory of the heroine was inspired by a newspaper article I’d read and kept in mind for thirty years.






What is your favourite meal?


I love any meal my son or daughter cook for me. After years of trying hard to produce healthy, tasty meals for a family – and not always maintaining the enthusiasm for it – it’s great to see the effort has paid off. Not just that they’re cooking for me instead but that they’ve learnt to be interested in food and flavours and sharing the mealtime experience.




Who is your favourite Australian?


I have to say that I don’t have a favourite person based on nationality. Without a doubt, there are some impressive Australians but my husband is my favourite (at least he is today!). He’s a good father, generous to his family and mine, works hard, loves life and appreciates what he has. He’s also his wife’s biggest supporter.




What is your favourite Aussie saying?


Bloody hell! It’s a perfect, all-purpose exclamation.




Where would be your ideal place to holiday?


I’ve always dreamed of spending six months in Italy and I’d love to be in Paris for my 50 birthday (so not for ages yet!) and my husband and I havebeen trying to get to New York for about a year but the trip keeps getting cancelled so … when it comes down to it, when you just need some time out to recharge the batteries – anywhere on an Aussie beach when its warm and the surfs not too rough and there’s fresh prawns nearby and you never need to get in a car. (Man, I need one of those holidays!)




Thank you, Jaye, for giving us an insight into your writer’s life. It has been a pleasure having you as our guest today.




You can visit Jaye at her website





Thought for the week


“There cannot be a rainbow unless it has rained”




Next week our Awesome Aussie Author is NicoleAlexander. Nicole is a wonderful country lady gifted in the art of telling a riveting Australian story.  I am a huge fan so it will be thrilling to have her visit my blog. Make sure you pop on by to find out loads of interesting facts about Nicole and learn all about her upcoming book, Absolution Creek.




Until next week, keep dreaming and smiling


Mandy  :)










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