I am thrilled to welcome our Awesome Aussie Author for this week, Fleur McDonald. Fleur writes enthralling rural mysteries that are steeped in the beauty of the Australian countryside, her characters three dimensional and authentic. Her next book, Purple Roads, assures to be another bestseller and I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy. It will hit the shelves on April 2nd.
Welcome, Fleur. It’s wonderful to have you here today.

Where were you born, raised, schooled and what was the most mischievous thing you did when you were a child?
I was born at Booleroo Centre, which is a short drive from where I grew up in Orroroo. I spent primary school oat Orroroo Area School but headed to Adelaide to board at Annesley College from year eight. It was a huge change for me, having to report in and out to school mistresses and, feeling like I had lost my freedom, I really resented having to be at boarding school. I did settle down by about year ten but could never say I really loved my time there.
My dad was a trickster, so he was always getting me to play jokes on my mum, when I was little. The main one was, we would get to about Jamestown, on the way home from Adelaide, in the truck and stop at a telephone box to ring Mum and tell her where we were. Dad would say: ‘Tell her we’re just leaving and we’ll be home in about three and half hours,’ then he’d wink and grin. Dutifully I’d repeat it all to mum (I was about six or seven!) and then about three quarters of an hour later, we’d drive into the depot.
I was also known to wag school and catch the tram down to Glenelg and hangout at the beach when I should have been studying for exams.

How long did it take you to get published and how did you feel when you were told you had a contract?
I am very much, one of the lucky ones. I never set out to become a published author, I just wanted to see if I could write a book.
What time of the day/night do you prefer to write and where do you like to write?
I really love early mornings. Starting at about 4am and still being there as the sun creeps over the horizon. It’s a very special part of the day.

Can you tell us a little bit about your upcoming book? And what date it will be released?
Purple Roads will be released on the 2nd of April 2012.
It’s about a couple who have to fight for everything they hold dear, but as they do, they find themselves in the middle of something much bigger and more dangerous than they could have ever imagined.
Where do you find inspiration for your stories?
Everywhere! Inspiration is everywhere you look. Coupled with an overactive imagination, I can be a very dangerous piece of gear, when I get on a roll!

What is your favourite meal?
I love good food and good wine so I can’t claim to have a favourite meal. Actually, yes I can! It’s the one I don’t have to cook, since I feed workmen and family every day.
I love a good risotto, pasta, steak, lamb chops, salad… do I need go on?

Who is your favourite Australian?
There really are too many of them – I’m in awe of the work people like Fiona Wood do,but I love Jack Thompson and Geoffrey Rush as actors.
My parents are pretty incredible too.
What is your favourite Aussie saying?

Where would be your ideal place to holiday?
I would love to visit Yorkshire and see where James Herriot’s books were based – he was my favourite childhood author.
Cheers, Fleur, for being my guest today. It's been such a pleasure chatting with you.
You can find out more about Fleur at her website.
Next week ourAwesome Aussie Author is another fellow rural writer, Margareta Osborne. Her soon-to-be released debut novel, Bella’s Run, is high on my list of books to get my hot little hands on. If you love rural romance, you going to love Margareta Osborne so be sure to pop on by next week for my Awesome Aussie Author segment.
Thought for this week
“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door”
Until next week, keep dreaming and smiling.
Mandy :)