Hope your week has been full of memorable moments, laughter and fun.

Today I thought I would give you all a little snippet of the second chapter of Rosalee Station. I know it’s a bit of a tease but I hope you enjoy it, only 9 ½ weeks until the release but who’s counting…..Me…LOL!
Chapter 2
Sarah woke to the reverberation of chopper blades slicing
their way through the humid morning air. It was the best sound
in the world to her – it meant Brad was here. He had his spot
down in the spare paddock, where he parked the beast whenever
he came to see her.
She quickly threw on her jeans and favourite old singlet and
ran down the stairs, jumping over Harry on the way, and out the
back door. Duke ran behind her barking, caught up in Sarah’s
exhilaration. He was an eager beaver whenever there was action
and adventure to be shared.
Sarah raced to the four-wheeler motorbike and Duke jumped
up on the seat behind her. She raced off down to the paddock,
wiping the sleep out of her eyes on the way down. In her haste
to get out the door she had forgotten to put a bra on, and bouncing
along the dirt road with ample boobs was quite painful. She
placed her hand over the top of them to curb their crazy romp
beneath her thin singlet.
By the time she arrived, Brad had stepped down from the
chopper, looking handsome as always. He was by no means tall, but his frame was well proportioned with muscles in all
the right places from the physical work he did. From under
the rim of his Akubra, his blue eyes looked cheekily at Sarah.
His Bluedog jeans hugged snugly to his hips and his Wrangler
shirt was missing the top two buttons, showing off his broad,
tanned chest. He smiled as he walked slowly towards her. She
ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing
him smack on the lips. He melted into her, his muscular arms
folding around her waist, and kissed her back.
When they finally pulled apart, Brad picked her up in a huge
bear hug and spun her around. ‘Gee, I’ve missed you, my sexy
lady. Happy birthday.’
‘Thanks, babe. I’ve missed you too. It means so much that
you’ve come back for my birthday.’ Sarah gazed into Brad’s eyes
before smiling mischievously. ‘Now what was it you needed to
tell me about? It is killing me not knowing!’
Brad winked at her. ‘Sorry, babe, you’ll just have to wonder
a little bit longer. Otherwise it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?’
He smiled enigmatically and gave Sarah another kiss.
Thought for the day
Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide to forever have your heart go walking around outside your body.
Until next week, keep smiling and dreaming!
Mandy :-)