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Karly Lane



G'day! :)


This week's blog marks the beginning of my weekly

Awesome Aussie Authors!

We have some amazing talent in this wonderful country of ours and I'm passionate about spreading the word, and hoping you will too :)

There are many Aussie women and men that have made writing their job, and their obsession, so we readers can sit back with a good book and be taken away on amazing adventures. A big thank you goes out to all of them!



My guest today is the warm, bubbly and awesomely talented Karly Lane.


Karly lives on the beautiful Mid North Coast of NSW in Australia. A certified small town girl, she is most happy in a little town where everyone knows who your grand parents were. She writes women’s fiction – everything from romantic suspense to family sagas and life in rural Australia. Her latest release,

Wecome, Karly, I'm so thrilled to have you with us today!



Where were you born, raised, schooled and what was the most mischievous thing you did when you were a child?


I was born in Kempsey NSW, but raised all over. We moved every three years with my fathers work and am lucky enough to have lived in a variety of small rural towns across NSW.

I don’t think I ever did too many mischievous things as a kid- I was an angel- ask my Mum…actually, don’t ask my Mum, she’d probably be able to think up something embarrassing to tell you!



How long did it take you to get published and how did you feel when you were told you had a contract?



From the moment I decided I was going to write with the intention to become published, it was eleven years, before I became published. BUT, having said that, there were a number of years while I had children and worked that I didn’t write, so I can’t really put an exact figure on it- it just took that long for me to get my act together and work out what I was doing!

That first contract was an amazing feeling- and every one after it has been just as special- it just doesn’t stop feeling amazing.



What time of the day/night do you prefer to write and where do you like to write?


I’ve always had to fit my writing in around my children and family, so I wrote whenever I had a chance usually early morning or late at night. I moved from the dining table to my own little desk in the corner of the lounge room after my first book sold and I’m still there!



Can you tell us a little bit about your upcoming book? And what date it will be released?



When Sarah Murphy decides to fulfil her Gran’s last wish- to take her ashes back to a town in the middle of nowhere, she discovers a dark family secret—left buried and forgotten. While coming to terms with her Gran’s past, she discovers a small town fighting to stay alive and trouble in the form of hunky, Adam Buchanan. Will history repeat itself?  Or is she strong enough to choose her own destiny?

Morgan’s Law will be released in May 2012.



Where do you find inspiration for your stories?


I usually get a scene in my head. It’s usually not even an opening scene- maybe just a conversation between two people and then I have to figure out where it fits in the story, who the people are and where they go form there!

What is your favourite meal?

I love winter warmers like stews and Shepard’s pie!



Who is your favourite Australian?


Gee that’s a hard one. There are so many Aussie’s doing so many great things. We’ve got scientists leading the world in medical research and movie stars making Australia a cool kinda place to come on holidays, but I don’t think you can go past your normal, every day Australian as a favourite person! We’re pretty unique and there’s very few other countries who ‘get’ us and even though we’re a multicultural society, there’s still something uniquely Aussie about us that you just don’t get any other place but Australia. We’re so very lucky we get to call this great country home.



What is your favourite Aussie saying?


No worries. Sounds weird when you hear it on TV and in the movies with American’s saying it now days though.



Where would be your ideal place to holiday?


Anywhere as long as it had internet connection!



Thanks Karly, it was great to chat with you today. As a massive fan of your work I am over the moon you have dropped in...cheers!


You can visit Karly at her website



Thought for this week

"Treat everyone as you would like to be treated yourself"



Next week

Christine Stinson will be our exciting!



Until then, keep smiling and dreaming


Mandy :)



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