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Buy Australian Made and Owned




Hope you have all had a fantastic couple of weeks. I have been busy editing my second novel, Jacaranda, and continuing on with writing my third, Melaleuca. Life is never boring around here! I love it! :)



This week I would really like to touch base on a topic that is very close to my heart, buying Australian owned and made products. Being a farmer it is especially sad when I look at canned or frozen products and the contents are not from our gloriously fertile land. What is the government thinking?! And more so, what are the supermarkets thinking?!




When a product is foreign owned then every dollar we spend goes back to that country. However, when we support Australian owned products we are supporting all the Australian jobs that go with that company – from manufacturing, marketing, administration, financials, and distribution – the list goes on. That's a lot of jobs and a lot of people! Don’t you think?!



Don’t be fooled by the labels that state the product is “Made in Australia”, although this is a good start the company may still be foreign owned. If every Australians changed their spending habits – very slightly – and spent just $40 a week on wholly owned Australian companies instead of wholly owned foreign companies then we could have a significant impact on the Australia Balance of Trade. This increase in local demand will increase productivity and reduce demand on imports. How great is that? It’s like the butterfly effect.



I am very proud of our country and proud of the food and products we are able to produce here. So come on all my fellow Aussies, let us cheer loudly for the companies and farmers that keep it here, in our pockets. Lets all support them by taking a few seconds in the supermarkets to read the labels and choose products made and owned by Australians. I reckon they all deserve a big pat on the back! 



Thought for this week

“My interest is in the future because we are going to spend the rest of our lives there.”



Until next week, keep smiling and dreaming



Mandy :)




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