I hope you’ve all had a fantastic week.

My week has been full to the brim of womanly chores, teaching my little girl how to blow her nose like an elephant as she has had a terrible cold (and now she has lovingly given it to me,oh joy!), writing, interviews and blogging, but it’s fun and I love the exhilaration of it all, even though at times I’m almost asleep on my feet with exhaustion!
Just over 10 weeks until the release of Rosalee Station (but whose counting...LOL!) and I can’t stand still I’m that excited. I find at times I’m wriggling more than my 2 ½ year old as I think about seeing Rosalee Station on the shelves!
My book launch has finally been decided on and it’s the perfect spot!
August 5th, 6th and 7th
At the Almaden Bush Races
I'll have a stand at the event, amongst the dust, bulls and galloping horses, so drop by and say G'day if you're there. I'd love to meet you. There's even a mini-rodeo this year so pull on your boots and slap on your country hat, there's some fun to be had!
I have some fantastic mates that are pulling together to help me out on the day, thanks Kirsty and Megan, what better mates could a girl ask for! Between them they have gathered up a bundle of items to help dress up the stand including a mini-marquee, bales of hay, 44 galloon drums, saddles and the list goes on.
I reckon the weekend is going to be one to remember so hopefully you're all there to join in on the down-to-earth country entertainment.
“Insanity is hereditary-you get it from your children!”
Bless the little whipper snappers, we do love ém!
Until next week, keep dreaming and laughing!
Mandy :-)